black, gold
but today looked at it from work on the PC
I'm so sorry for those of you who have to go through life looking at a PC instead of being able to look upon the computer-that-brings-enlightenment.
- TOB one day we might all be chosen
you need to warn your readers when you make a change like that....i think i lost 3 brain cells adjusting
Oh, this was YOUR idea. I thought your F@*%ing Blogger post was for them doing this to you but then I have the lesser computing platform...
OK, well I'll have access to one of those lesser computers over the weekend so will look it all over.
It's REALLY SHARP on my computer!
Not so sharp from where I'm sitting, OB, ...but with contrast and color subdued for a few weeks so as not to overtire my 'new eye'...I'm in no position to judge any of it. Still, I do love black and gold. Classy colors at any rate.
that's much better
Yeah, yeah....design for the lesser computer
lowest common denominator and all that rot.
I have found the opposite
that my template looks fine on my work PC
only to get home and see things are all whacked on my mac
Hi Bag! I like your new template (what I can see of it anyway). Them's "Hawkeye" colors (black and gold)! I have PCs at home and work, and the blogger black background always looks OK. I have flat panel monitors though, so maybe that makes a difference...
Good luck with your coursework and all the drudgery that involves. I like the idea of attending class while walking/laundering/cleaning and other unmentionables. Schoolwork sucks though, no matter how you do it.
Ooooo, stylin'!
Yeah Emma and Chick, I won't be using it because it truly did look like shyte on a PC...really muddy. Some day when I've got some extra minutes I might try it with some different colors....
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