Besides, I'm 45. I'm beyond gunning for a 4.0, I have a life to live.
I have to say, the technology surrounding college these days is fascinating. Unlike those of us in k-12 education who believe in "anytime, anywhere learning" colleges can actually start practicing it. Courses meet about 60 miles up the road; but those of us here in the Cities, in Thief River Falls, in Bemidji, can attend via interactive TV, via streaming video or via phone. I can even "attend" asynchronously via the video later. One thing that would make it better would be the option of a podcast.
I've tried each, and the hands-down winner is the phone. For the first 30-minutes of one of last week's classes I was out walking around the neighborhood with my bluetooth ear bud and my cell on mute. I focused better than I had previously when I sat in front of the computer watching the streaming video. I could be outside! Then I did laundry! I emptied the dishwasher! I could un-mute and offer input at any time this week...grocery shopping >:-) .
People say kids these days multitask when all that kids are doing is engaging in three of the same thing: they're emailing, I-Ming and text messaging all at the same time...maybe even while they're writing their paper for class. THE task is writing. They're DOING ONE THING on multiple electronic pieces of paper. And, on most they're writing things like: cold today lol or i c u hahaha or did u c harpers shirt omg.
Multitasking, my arse.
Let's see them synthesize, jog AND present a coherent verbal argument that actually relates to the concept being discussed in a room 60 miles away.
I want to see them attend class AND debate a current educational issue through their bluetooth while bicycling.
Kids these days...they're soft, soft, I tell you.
- OB
Been there, done that multitasking thing beyond the normal comprehension. Keep up the good work.
can i im u ltr?
hugs - r
technology gives me the willies....
Jeff -- sounds like you've been-there-done-that!
R -- I <3 u, ur such a mthrfkr
Pab -- big brother type stuff, BUT after this comment I'm heading off to class WHILE Nordic-Trak-ing
Ya, kids these days. I remember when I could only send and receive emails, uphill both ways...
Nice post Jeanne!
yeah, i agree w/ u OB on soft kids and podcasts. When I'm part of an online conference and its just a stupid powerpoint someone is talking about, but we're using an online conference room, I find myself distracted with my IMing, email, and RSS reader. :) phone conf. are the way to go for seminar style courses unless there's some compelling visual data that MUST be present. :)
Oh, and here's my grad student blog site. http://sydney-brown.blogspot.com
I got to get this done or quite entirely. Sheesh.
Wheel -- you TOO?!
Shawn -- thanks!
Syd -- OH MAN! I hate the "I'll read my PPT slides to you" session. Agreed, I'd be off chatting.
Thanks for the link to your other blog -- looks like some great info and thoughts. Good luck with the degree (I've debated the same on and off over the years). I just did a bit-o-reading and have hopped to a couple links. Good stuff!
The real numbers and analyst reports on the phone say that it will be the #1 entertainment platform, and that currently the largest cell phone carrier (by number of users) is in China (?).
It may be interesting to watch as the less developed world comes on line -- with only a phone.
AND, it will be interesting to see our gradual move away from computers to phones. I'm already frustrated with my separate calendar, phone, tunes, email, camera. Women's clothing doesn't have enough pockets for all that stuff. I want it all in one device but I want it to be quality stuff...my current phone still sports a lousy camera...its calendar function doesn't synch with my weird work calendar (of course that probably means my work uses a piece-of-crap software for its network/email/calendar)...it can store tunes, but the sound coming out is somewhat tinny, like it's coming out of...a...phone......
ok, you have successfully made me feel old....
Don't forget the GPS (why can't I get that from my phone -- but homeland security can) and great camera, backscratcher and walking stick!!
Jeanne -- I don't know how many times I have said that.
Call it "my thing." Or IThing
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