Friday, July 25, 2008


These days, we're like June...bustin' out all over.

We got skis: skate skis, cross country skis, crud skis, downhill skis, ski poles, ski waxing bench, ski wax. We've got yer bicycles: road rides, track bikes, vintage bikes, travel bikes, mountain bikes, commuter rigs, bike stand, bicycle tools, bicycle wheels, bike grease, leftover bicycle parts....

When yer overseeing herds of these things, they overtake the place. Certain things you got to do keep them happy and content. Each one needs a stall of its own. Space for exercise. Spots to spread out. A place to git fixed when fixin' is needed.

We looked for a new homestead, we did. But damn. One that's close to the city with a good-sized barn was just tough to find. And what're people thinkin' finishing-off their basements FER CRIS'SAKE? Do they scrape their ski wax right off into the berber? Drip lube right onto the maple flooring? Spray the winter muck off the drivetrain right into the marble bathtub?

That's just sellin' yer saddle, if you ask me.

Priorities, pardner. Keep 'em straight.

- O durned right B


Anonymous said...

It sounds like it's time for step dog to pitch in wrangling in the herds...

Snakebite said...

You’ve been tagged.