Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hiking the White Tanks

- The Bag is goin' back tomorrow and this time I won't be wrestlin' with a @#$*!! cactus


The Old Bag said...

Unbeknownst to me, my shoe picked up a dried, fallen cactus section on the trail and as I moved my right foot past the left, I firmly anchored the damned thing into my ankle...immediately grabbed at it with my hand and planted a few barbs into my thumb...

...just for good measure, you know.

WheelDancer said...

Now there's a part of AZ that I can do without.

Vito said...

We had a great day in the White Tanks a few years back. Sunshine, petroglyphs, and a Native American playing his flute back in the canyon.

It was a beautiful experience. However, we didn't have any experiences with stray cactus.