Sunday, December 09, 2007

It is Finished

On Friday, I uploaded my last quiz and tonight I emailed my last two papers. I'm all but finished with an assignment that is due next weekend. There are a couple of loose ends, but for all practical purposes I'm finished with my coursework. I can almost, according to the Minnesota Department of Education, officially do the job I've been doing for the last year+.

After two weeks straight of sitting on my backside cranking out assignments, I can't wait to rediscover and redirect my energies toward those things I used to do. There's snow on the ground...enough for skiing. It's time to hit the deep snow again and think deep thoughts again and write fun writings and go to art flicks and drink beer and spend weekends in the good company of friends.

- TOBack


The Donut Guy said...

Good stuff.

When I was in school, I spent ALL my spare time in the library.

I was kind of a dork, but I was a well-read dork.

The Old Bag said...

Hey thanks, DG

Jaco said...

Congrats... All that fun stuff is waiting for your return... Enjoy.

SiouxGeonz said...

Are you on LM_NET? my **favorite** online lurking spot.
Last year I read about a student in a NY college who moved into the library, literally, and blogged about it (and therefore was 'busted' but happily the college simply found the fellow a dorm room for hte duration).

How do i get to my old stuff said...

welcome back and congrats on you're achievement.

SD_pedalpower said...


Now it's back to B&B. Beer & Bikes and maybe some other B's I can not think of at the moment.

Frostbike said...

Way to go!!

The Old Bag said...

Ruby! -- is that YOU?!? Hope you're doing well!

Sioux -- I had to go through your profile to see you're Sue! It's been too long...

Syd -- thanks, I still have a couple putzy things to take care of, but the worst is over.

SD -- maybe we should work on coming up with a few more over a few beers!

Pete --, I'm so tired of being in school.