It must be winter, I'm posting recipes....'times you want a quick meal:You Need:cheddar
green pepper
corn tortillas
solid white tuna
or other cooked meatBufalo
yup, it's spelled right Chipotle Hot Sauce
sour cream-n-guac

Saute peppers and onions in a slight bit-o oil, remove from pan. Drop cheese slices onto a corn tortilla. Layer meat. Add grilled onions and peppers. Drizzle some Chipotle hot sauce. More cheese. Top with another tortilla. Set sandwich onto a hot griddle and cover with a kettle lid. Flip it now and again until slightly toasted on either side. While the cheese helps stick everything together, innards
will fall out the sides, so just push things back in (a big flour tortilla folded in half with fewer ingredients works better)
probably not the thing to make for a first date.Squeeze lime juice on sandwich, garnish with salsa, etc.
Drink beer.
- Bag
Sounds good because I am STARVING.
It's the toasting part I like, but I always have liked a hot "quickie."
You forgot the pre-preparation of said quesadilla:
3 beers into a 12 pack you suddenly realize you are working up a mighty hunger to go along with the buzz you're riding. Ahh, a mexican cheese sandwich. Easy on the griddle, but even easier and quicker in the microwave. You drink one more beer getting all the stuff together, one more while cooking it (depending on how fast you drink and your method of preparation), and wah-lah! You have your food and your ready for that next beer that you insist I should have with said quesadilla. OUTSTANDING!!!
This sounds really tasty. I love that sauce. This is a nice change from Mello Velo's latest on aftershaves.
Sounds GREAT - except for the tuna. But fake chicken would be a super simple sub!
Thanks!! I want some NOW!
Shrimp grilled in Butter and Garlic would be good too.
Damn...its 6:54 in the morning...all this food reading is giving me the munchies:) Ramens for b-fast:)!!
oh my gosh that looks so delish. would be a nice breakfast right now...
"Drink beer."
Drink Beer -- sure. You're funny snakebite.
remember my post about guac last Christmas?
looking forward to seeing you this weekend, dearest auntie! :)
Soooo, I'm making these tonight for dinner. Wish me luck as I begin cooking again . . . it's been awhile.
Let me know how it went!
it sounds good...
but I think it is all gone by now
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