Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Not Marian

I'm down to my last two courses for my Information Media license: IM 552 -- Cardigan Sweaters and Bow-Tied Scarves, and IM 624 -- Shushing.

I think I'm flunking out of the first one. The other day someone said to me: You're the hippest, most outdoorsy librarian ever! I'd ridden the bicycle that day, washed my now wild and ratty hair (who has TIME to go to the stylist?) in the media center sink before classes arrived and had changed into a skinny black tee and rust colored double front-Carharts with my belt from Mexico and a pair of black Merrills.

I can't find my flowered skirts. The peter-pan collared dresses? Gone, I tell you. And my closet hasn't seen a jumper since the 80s (but the one I had then was denim -- I was such a rabble-rouser: it was my way of wearing jeans).

What are these kids going to think?



~ lauren said...


i think you need a pair of those as well to be a librarian. it's in the rule book.

Frostbike said...

It's going to be the "hot librarian" effect...

The Old Bag said...

Lauren -- Do those go with cardigans?

Pete -- HIP, it's HIP librarian...never been hot in my life (unless hot flashes count...).

Eclectchick said...

"Who has time to go to the stylist?"

Indeed! I haven't cut my hair in months (except home trims on the old bangs so I can see). Something I never would have gone without a year ago. We're getting older and wiser, I think. ;-)

gwadzilla said...

way to break the mold!