Sunday, April 15, 2007

Four Weeks Left

I miss thinking
turning thoughts over and over
until they tumble out
pile on the floor
picking them up in new combinations
that surprise

I miss writing
I miss the puzzle
the disassembly of the ordinary
and the re-piecing of the mundane
emerging as a new story
that's the same but in a different kind of way

- OB's writing papers just isn't the same kind of writing....


Emma Pod said...

Happy Birthday Old Bag (on the 16th)!!!! I hope you have a great day and enjoy getting EVEN OLDER! I put something in the mail to you - should arrive later this week.

XOXOXOX said...


WheelDancer said...

Hey Old Bag,

It may be that your missives are less frequent but this is very nice and worth the wait.
